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MySQL Upgrade on Windows Shared Hosting Servers

Posted on 29th January, 2024

We are working towards making our Windows Shared Hosting Platform more stable, secure, and future-proof. We're excited to announce an upcoming upgrade to MySQL 8.

Some of the advantages and reasons to upgrade to MySQL 8.0:

  • MySQL 8.0 IS UP TO 2X FASTER than MySQL 5.7.
  • DEFAULT TO UTF8MB4 CHARACTER SET for richer mobile applications and international character sets.
  • SQL ROLES for improved security.
  • IMPROVED JSON SUPPORT. JSON support is one of the most well-received features of MySQL 5.7, and with MySQL 8.0 it has been enhanced.
  • TRANSACTIONAL DATA DICTIONARY for increased reliability.

As part of this effort, we request that you get your websites, applications, and APIs upgraded to be compatible with MySQL 8.0.

What needs to be done?

  • Verify the code compatibility with MySQL 8.0, and make necessary changes with the help of your developer. Please ignore this message if your codes are already compatible with MySQL 8.0.
  • Ensure that all the database tables have Primary key before the maintenance
  • Collaborate with your developer to add primary keys to all relevant tables and correct the tables with more than one primary key within the databases

When can you expect these changes?

We will be beginning this activity on 5th FEB 2024 and MySQL 8.0 will be made available on servers in batches. During maintenance, websites using MySQL will experience a 30-minute downtime.

For any queries, please feel free to contact our support team.